Sunday, December 27, 2009

Bad Road Conditions- Who are responsible

GBE Report
HUNZA,Hyderabad,Dec.27: (Shamsuddin Muhammad) Bad road conditions have created various problems for those using this road as a only mean for transportantion. Authorities should take notice of this problem. The road was built decades ago now it has demaged at many points.

A van overturned at Hyderabad due to negligance of the concerned department

A movement indespensible for the rights of G.B says Feroza Rubab

GBE Watch
GILGIT, Dec. 27: (Shamsuddin Muhammad) Feroza Rubab, an eminent lawyer and secretary Lahore high court bar association, who played an important role in restoration of judiciary has said that a steady and live movement for the rights of Gilgit-Baltistan is the indespesible. Talking to a regional daily, she said that federal government should bestow the same rights as given to other parts of teh country. She said that Gilgit-Baltistan is a part of the state and we should not consider it as a separate entity. She also urge government to formally include area under the constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan. (Daily K2-Urdu)

Security tighten in Muharram, law inforcement agencies vigilant;

Forces deployed in sensitive areas
GBE Report

GILGIT, Dec. 26: (Shamsuddin Muhammad) Local administration has advised duputy commissioners, assistan commissioners and DSPs of respective areas of Gillgit-Baltistan to ensure security measures and monitor processions during holy month of Muharram. Armed personnel have been deployed in sensitive areas and ulemas were ask to keep eyes open . In Hunza, the tenth procession will start from Xchil Ganish and end at Dorkhand.