GBE Monitoring desk
HUNZA, April, 20:(Najeeb Ullah Baig) Natural Disaster Management Authorities are deceiving public and they have little concern about the sufferings of the public. These views were expressed by Salman Ali, aborigines of the Nazimabad (Shishkat) village during a meeting with Voice of Hunza on Tuesday.

HUNZA, Nazimabad: Salman Ali is expressing his views about the prevailing situation during a meeting of Voice of Hunza with local community VoH Photo
He alleged Frontier Works Organization (FWO) that very little work is being done to meet the target saying removal of mere forty feet debris is like a tiny particle into mouth of a camel. “The substandard boats are doing little good for public as very few people can able to manage to sail,” he added.
Courtesy: Voice of Hunza