Monitoring Report
KARACHI, Feb.01: (Shamsuddin Muhammad) Amber Hussain adovocate Vice President, Pakistan Peoples Party, women

wing Gilgit-Baltistan chapter has said federal government through comprehensive efforts has cleared all hurdles that impinged the processes of admissions emegerged following disapproval of Pakistan Medical and Dental College saying notification beyond the authority of Pujab government and against the rules of institutions. Talking to media persons, she said that it was Prime Minister's personal efforts that esulted into approval of admission on increased qouta for students from Gilgit-Baltistan implies federal government's sincerity with the region. "According to Prime Minister's announcement flights ought to be scheduled even in bad weather, students tourists and patients equally suffers simultanously; a large portion of total population affiliated with the tourims that affects so it is important to adress this issue on priority basis," she added. She said that about 140 students will be awarded scholarship under internship programme. She claimed that the youth of Gilgit-Baltistan are not behind the youth of other parts of the country in any field adding underestimation of their skills and expertise have served to infuse disappointment among youth of the region. She demanded of Chief Minister Syed Mehdi Shah to initiate struggle for rights of the people of Gilgit-Baltistan and opposed the tendency of hiring of personnel from NWFP in local government institutions.
Courtesy: Voice of Hunza