speakers highlights unprecedented valour of Hussain Ibne Ali; deviation from the teachings of prophet and Imam cause of sufferings; time to identify elements creating differences among sects
GBE Report
By:Shamsuddin Muhammad
HUNZA, Dec. 28, 2009: As a part of Ashora-Muharram, like other parts of the region to commemorate the great sacrifice offered by Hussain
Karbala against tyrant Omayyad ruler Yazid one about fourteen centuries ago. The main procession appeared from lower Ganish marched and reached to Dorkhan at
1:30 P.M. Participants after offering prayers observed mourning. Speakers on the
occasion highlighted the unprecedented example of valour and sacrifice to save Islamic values.
Ali Muhammad, director Uswa schools systems speaking to the participants said that
today we gathered here to recall the heroic deed of our Imam against an evil forces. He claimed that few international powers are trying to create choas in the country. He said that Hussain Ibne Ali accepted death willing and rejected the demand of Yazid, a composition of vices. He alleged that the those fighting the state today are the descendants of those terrorists forces of Ibne Ziaad under the direction of Yazid who blocked the way of even drinking water to Iman and his followers. "We must recognize our enemy trying to create differences on sectarian lines," he added.
Other speakers including Ashraf Ali, Sherbaz Ali Khan also threw light on the tragedy.
They in their speechs described attributes of Karbala from with different aspects saying the tragedy evem after lapse of about fourteen hundred years in Karbala and
about fourty eight years after the death of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)is still alive in
hearts of his follower. Shaikh Ali in his speech said that Imam (A.S) scarificed his and his own family andcomrades' lives at the altar of liberty and justice. A resolution was presented in the concluding session demanding arrest of culprits involved in murder of Syed Razi uddin Rizvi; assurance of safety of Shia communities in N.W.F.P; closure of offices of notorous Black water and security of routes of processions across the country.
The procession returned on the same route from Dorkhand. Ismaili boys scouts and volunteer corps offered their services to ensure security of route. Garelt Ismaili community facilitate participants with a tea as a gesture of brotherhood which was
greatly appreciated on various levels and this way Muharram was observed peacefully
in the region.
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