Mountain Lighting and illumination work turned valleys into twinkling garden; Special programs arranged to mark the day
VoH Report
VoH Report
By: Shamsuddin Muhammad
HUNZA, Dec.14: Shia Imami Ismaili Muslims, celebrated the seventy third birthday of Shah Karim Alhusainy, His Highness Aga Khan fourth, the contemporary Imam of community around the globe.
He was born in Geneva, Switzerland in 1936 and succeeded sir Sultan Muhammad Shah (Aga Khan 3rd) at the age of 20. He proved himself the only leader of Islamic world in general and the Ismaili community in particular to lead them both in good and crucial times. He has devoted his life for the walfare of human beings without and consideration of race, culture, religion and ideology thus patronizing diversity, pluralism,brotherhood and virtue-the theme of Islam. Besides his philonthrapic work for humanity, he served Islamic community such a way hat has made the community
one of the most organized and prosperous communities across the world. Ismailies used to celebrate this unique event to show their adherence with a personality which is not only working for humnity but also has a direct link with Hazrat Ali, the very first Imam of Shiat faith. Events were organized at Jamat Khanas, community halls to mark the day with religious zeal. Speakers in their speechs threw light on the work of Aga Khan in all wakes of life. Special processions were arranged following Majalisis, the indoor programs to express its love and loyalty to their Imam and celebrate event openly. Mountain lighting and illumination work on Jamat Khanas and houses turned valleys like Hunza into twinkling garden.

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