GBE Watch
ISLAMABAD, Jan.25 :(Shamsuddin Muhammad) Progressive Youth Front, Hunza chapter staged a demonstration against negligance and empathy of government for release of water from aftificially formed lake on Hunza river following the land sliding incident that claimed many lives and left many injured critically. Parotestor holding playcards and banners chanted slogans against the slow pace of work on release of bocked water and clearance of Karakorum High Way (KKH).

Baba Jan, Chief organizer, Progressive Youth Front, Hunza speaking to the occassion said that not only many precious lives have been lost in the disaster but also threatened the population of more than twenty five thousand people on both sides of the blocked water. He criticised the newly elected representation saying they prefered their party matters on welfare of people." Natural disaster coupled with government's neglegance has further increased the difficulties of the people in upper Hunza," he added. Sami Barcha, Nisar Shah adovocate and other also addressed the gathering.
Speakers demanded of government to provide better equipment and funds to release water to save the population under threat. Courtesy: Voice of Hunza
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