Gilgit-Baltistan Echo
By: Shams-ud-din Muhammad
With every passing day,where fears, and apprehensions among residents of down stream and upstream areas have mounted as the gossips of out burst of the land slide spawned lake are running from person to person. Amidst uncertainties, majority of local population on both sides of the blockade who are mostly casual earners seem in hot waters financially. Lacking any alternative source of income, on either side, neither from agricultural nor trade activities, already being suffered on account of land slide disaster have left them without work. Where, the population of Upstream areas like Shishkat, Ayeenabad, Gulmit and Gulkin especially those along the river are struggling for their lives, save property damage have an ambition for proper compensation which seems a hard task for authorites which took more than two months to process the move due to their lethargic and non serious attitude. Simarly, those who are settled in down stream areas right from Ahmedabad have also lost peace of mind following a hipe of outburst of the naturally formed lake in an undefinite time line. Apart from finical problems population of the area are facing currently, people have started to think for their future filled with uncertainties. According to media reports, mere fifteen feet remains to over flow via spill way which has increased burdens on Western ends.By: Shams-ud-din Muhammad

There exists two types of opinion regarding the post over flow situation. According to the first, the was no chance of out burst of lake for it is protected by heavy rocks against water flow in a narrow gorge and starched for a kilometer and at 120 degree from water base level.They argue that such a well stretched blockade that guards against water flow will allow mere fifty percent if the rate of water entry increase from streams of Gojal, Upper Hunza. In accordance with experts view, if the base protected with heavy rocks sustains, it will reduce exerting pressure on Western end; consequently there is no chance of outburst of lake. Otherwise, debris consolidated with heavy rocks, stretched to more than a kilometer would resists water flow and there was least chance of out burs of banks of the lake. While another group argues that with high rate of melting of glaciers in sunny days will exert more pressure on passage along the spill way by rapid erosion will finally force lack to break lake on various points would resulted into floods, enough to disconnect region from rest of the country. So in case of increase burden with the overflow on spill way, erosion at center and different points would allow more water to release, that may turn into flood as water will make its way through erosion in puffed soil thus endangering land links especially bridges along Karakorum High Way (KKH) . Besides sudden increase in water level with the breakage of glaciers that further stretched length of the lake, influx of electronic and print media and their constant coverage has developed a chaotic situation on both sides. Main land links like that of main bridge between Danyore and Giligt has been removed by regional authorities. where, the issue has got both national and international exposure, there felt few anti social tendencies like price hikes, hoarding and black marketing of essentials especially that of subsidized flour being sold in commercial markets at higher rates under different labels. Tyrannically, local administration, which largely depends on dictation from still lakes proper planning and not clear about the presence of stock in case the areas disconnects from rest of the region.
On the other hand, Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani's recent meaningless visit has sparked agitation from affectees who earnestly waited for a special package from a premier of the country. Consequently, affectees with the support of masses and civil society members resorted to agitation for the fulfillment of announcements made by the regime during last two months. Obviously,despite of frequent visits of Speaker Wazir Baig, technocrat Mutabiat Shah and Chief Secretary Gilgit-Baltistan along the heads of concerned departments served to bring little good rather a trailer being played to tempt spangle eyes of public.
There are certain reservations and claims regarding the authorities on part of regional political administration even under the new province like set up. Despite of claims of current regime, that implies for greater authority delegated by center on pattern of provinces,some people still argue that in reality the region is governed via triaka: Minister Kashmir Affairs, FCNA generals and Chief Secretary Gilgit-Baltistan who run the population like cattle.
It was impending on political and civil administration to leave no stone in providing every possible relief to affectees of the calamity in either form to a large portion of population expressing dissatisfaction over capacity and capability to tackle such disasters and make efficient efforts to win the support of masses of the area.
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