GBE Monitor
ISLAMABAD,Dec.23: (APP) Syed Mehdi Shah, Chief Minister Gilgit-Baltistan has said that the appointment of new governor is likely December, 2009.He said that people of the region have given our party a chance to address their issues through heavy mandate during recent poles. He claimed that, the newly appointed governor would be from Gilgit-Baltistan. He said that Jamiat-e-ullemai Islam (F) is the ally of Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) adding the party has had good relation ship with other parties even in hard times. " Despite the largest party PPP will form coalition government", he added. He was talking to journalists along with Chaudhary Manzoor Ahmed, incharge election Gilgit-Balatistan at Peoples secreteriat Islamabad. He claimed that PPP gives its workers honour. A day earlier, he claimed that Gilgit-Baltistan was given provincial status under new reform package, 2009.
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